175 – Let’s Read the Original Snow White from 1812

As a palate cleanser from the utter dreck that was Disney’s latest live action remake, I got cozy by my back yard fire pit and read the original 1812 version of “Snow White” as recorded by the Brothers Grimm. They made heavy edits to their folktales over the years, so you might be surprised by what’s in this older tale — including the fact that the villain is NOT Snow White’s stepmother and what “black as ebony” actually refers to!

Please tell me if you enjoyed this fireside fairy tale with commentary. I will be happy do do more, weather permitting, and can read fairy tales with or without commentary as you prefer.

174 – The Snow White Remake was Dreadful

To nobody’s surprise, Snow White (2025) was awful and has pulled in my lowest Snape Score ever for its total lack of faithfulness to its literary source material. I usually approach episodes with the attitude that the stories and people on my show are my guests, and I try to roll out the red carpet by dressing my best and doing some nice graphics and editing. This movie deserves none of that. You’re just getting me ranting in my gym clothes while in full on cranky mommy mode.

172 – Rachel Zegler wasn’t wrong about Snow White being so 1937

Disney’s live action remake of Snow White is nearly upon us. This is the most pre-hated movie ever, largely because the film’s star Rachel Zegler disparaged the original film as being “very evidently” a product of 1937. She wasn’t wrong about that — the only problem was her attitude.


159 – This Is NOT Snow White

I didn’t think I’d have much to say about Disney’s latest live action remake, Snow White, until it actually came out. But unfortunately a new trailer has revealed such substantial changes to the story that I can already say this will have little to do with the beloved folktale recorded by the Brothers Grimm or Disney’s 1937 film, which was groundbreaking not only in its artisty but in its casting choice for the lead role.

In this episode, I briefly show a quotation from filmmaker Dallas Jenkins regarding how to adapt the text of a book into a film. This came from an interview Jenkins participated in on the channel SeanChandlerTalksAbout . You can see the entire interview, which has useful things to say about adapting fiction to the screen, here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZAhix0coMrs

Also in this episode, hear about my upcoming plans for the show as well as the book we’ve been reading this week: I’m Not Santa by Jonathan Allen. My kids found it at the library and they LOVE it. There’s lots of chances to do funny voices and fake crying, and the more dramatic you go the bigger the laughs will be.

146 – Snow Much Drama

The drama around Snow White, the troubled remake of Disney’s 1937 masterpiece, is unfortunate because it really was unnecessary! Just a little bit of familiarity with the folktale published by the Brothers Grimm in 1812 could have spared the filmmakers (and some outspoken actors) a lot of time and trouble. Also in this episode, you get your last chance to ask show hosts anything! We’ll be having a mailbag party for our 150th episode.

There is also a video version of my thoughts on the Snow White drama, which are included in this episode:

I also had the pleasant surprise of seeing the new trailer for War of the Rohirrim, an upcoming film based on the legend outlined in the appendix to The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien. Here’s my reaction to that: