170 – What Ben Dixon Loves About Independent Publishing

Ben Dixon is back on the show! The author of the Neil Peel book series has now published Vengeance and Honour, a fun sword and sorcery adventure. He also has useful advice for writers who want to publish a children’s book, but aren’t sure about whether to try for traditional publishing or take the leap and go for independent publishing. Ben has put out books both ways, so he is the perfect guest to help me explore the advantages and disadvantages of each way to get a book out in print.

Also, this week my kids are reading Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss as well as Shakespeare Stories by Leon Garfield with pictures by Michael Foreman. Find out what the girls loved about these works by two maestros of the English language.

My interview with Ben Dixon is also on YouTube. Be sure to subscribe to the channel as I sometimes put extra videos up that don’t come through on the audio feed!

163 – Did You Resolve to Write a Children’s Book?

Have you made a New Year’s Resolution? I stopped making them, oddly enough, because I go to the gym a lot and accidentally noticed a few things about goal setting and motivation. Many of you may have a goal to write a children’s book, and I think that’s great. That’s why I’ve decided to make amateur and independent authors the theme for the show this year.

I think everyone has stories to tell. But like those who join a gym every January and then quit in frustration by February, aspiring authors can sabotage themselves by not having a clear goal in mind or a realistic, enjoyable way to attain it. I want to do what I can this year to help all of us become the best storytellers we can be by inviting experienced writers and editors on to talk about how to avoid amateur mistakes and how to develop writing skills in a disciplined, enjoyable, sustainable way. I also hope to encourage writers to give up the all-or-nothing mentality that makes them think that writing must bring fame and fortune or it isn’t worthwhile. I think quite the opposite. All stories have value, especially when they deepen our relationships with friends and family.