175 – Let’s Read the Original Snow White from 1812

As a palate cleanser from the utter dreck that was Disney’s latest live action remake, I got cozy by my back yard fire pit and read the original 1812 version of “Snow White” as recorded by the Brothers Grimm. They made heavy edits to their folktales over the years, so you might be surprised by what’s in this older tale — including the fact that the villain is NOT Snow White’s stepmother and what “black as ebony” actually refers to!

Please tell me if you enjoyed this fireside fairy tale with commentary. I will be happy do do more, weather permitting, and can read fairy tales with or without commentary as you prefer.

174 – The Snow White Remake was Dreadful

To nobody’s surprise, Snow White (2025) was awful and has pulled in my lowest Snape Score ever for its total lack of faithfulness to its literary source material. I usually approach episodes with the attitude that the stories and people on my show are my guests, and I try to roll out the red carpet by dressing my best and doing some nice graphics and editing. This movie deserves none of that. You’re just getting me ranting in my gym clothes while in full on cranky mommy mode.

173 – Can the Paddington Statue Be Repaired?

A beloved statue of Paddington Bear in author Michael Bond’s hometown of Newbury was sawed in half by two guys for reasons that are hard to comprehend. The culprits have been caught, but can the damage to this adorable statue be fixed? Luckily I know someone who knows a thing or two about fiberglass — my dad.

172 – Rachel Zegler wasn’t wrong about Snow White being so 1937

Disney’s live action remake of Snow White is nearly upon us. This is the most pre-hated movie ever, largely because the film’s star Rachel Zegler disparaged the original film as being “very evidently” a product of 1937. She wasn’t wrong about that — the only problem was her attitude.


171 – A Chat with Dave Cullen

Dave Cullen is a YouTuber who focuses on pop culture and science fiction, and his debut novel Deus V Machina: A Cody Stockton Mystery is one of the most intersting independent books I’ve read in a while. This novel blends multiple genres in creative and unexpected ways, and it will appeal to thoughtful teenagers who are ready to think about complex philosophical ideas but who also want to enjoy some good action and adventure.

During our conversation, Dave explains his ideas about how artificial intelligence will affect authors and illustrators, and we focus on the themes and ideas in Deus V Machina rather than its actual plot and characters, because we don’t want to spoil the story for readers.

Our conversation is also on YouTube:

Bambi: The Reckoning Trailer Reaction

It seems . . . doubtful . .  that Bambi: The Reckoning will have much to do with Bambi: A Life in the Woods by Felix Salten. But though this might be surprising to hear, I have no problem with the recent string of schlocky horror films inspired by children’s books that have entered the public domain. Find out why I feel this way, and let me know if you think I should start reviewing these films to look for any hints of actual adaptations.

170 – What Ben Dixon Loves About Independent Publishing

Ben Dixon is back on the show! The author of the Neil Peel book series has now published Vengeance and Honour, a fun sword and sorcery adventure. He also has useful advice for writers who want to publish a children’s book, but aren’t sure about whether to try for traditional publishing or take the leap and go for independent publishing. Ben has put out books both ways, so he is the perfect guest to help me explore the advantages and disadvantages of each way to get a book out in print.

Also, this week my kids are reading Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss as well as Shakespeare Stories by Leon Garfield with pictures by Michael Foreman. Find out what the girls loved about these works by two maestros of the English language.

My interview with Ben Dixon is also on YouTube. Be sure to subscribe to the channel as I sometimes put extra videos up that don’t come through on the audio feed!

Goonies 2 Won’t Work . . . Unless

In this piece for Film Threat, I muse on whether or not a sequel to the 1985 film The Goonies could even work. Has the world changed too much? Is it possible (or smart) to bring back the original cast? And do today’s kids even act like those from 40 years ago?

“Goonies 2 Won’t Work . . . Unless”
Published in Film Threat on February 17, 2025.

Warner Brothers has announced that the The Goonies will be getting a sequel four decades after its release. (https://variety.com/2025/film/news/goonies-2-sequel-steven-spielberg-1236308226/) Some of the original team is back, such as producers Stephen Speilberg and Chris Columbus, but writer Potsy Ponciroli has the thankless — and likely impossible — task of trying to figure out a story that makes sense. But this sequel won’t work unless the filmmakers can solve a few fundamental problems.

First, who should even be in the film? Fans might enjoy a nice handful of memberberries if beloved cast members like Sean Astin and Martha Plimpton come back, but with the exceptions of Josh Brolin and Ke Huy Quan, actors at the wrong end of middle age will have a hard time delivering satisfying action scenes. Oh, and filmmakers will have to decide if it’s worth the headaches that will come with even thinking about hiring Corey Feldman.

But maybe the original cast shouldn’t star in this film. After all, The Goonies was a story about kids — kids who did really stupid things that grown-ups would never do. The Goonies were immature, messy, rude, and whiny. Their “never say die” was ironic because every choice they made increased to probability of winning a Darwin Award. But their stupidity was endearing because it was so believable. Each Goonie was a giant dweeb in some way, which was reassuring to the children who first saw them. If they can come out on top, they thought, then I have a chance too.

But if Warner Brothers decides to make Goonies: The Next Generation, a problem they will have is that American childhood has changed. Kids are not allowed to be that obnoxious anymore, at least offline. They certainly wouldn’t make Chunk do the Truffle Shuffle — that kind of fat shaming isn’t allowed, and given modern health statistics, most of the kids would likely resemble him to begin with. But the bigger problem is that kids aren’t allowed to run around by themselves anymore.

Only those who graduated high school before the year 2000 know what it’s like to leave the house and be truly unreachable. Pay phones existed, sure, and some kids had beepers or phone cards, but for the most part when kids left the house, their parents had no way of finding them until they came back home again.

The plots of great kid films of the ‘80s like E.T., Flight of the Navigator, Explorers, and The Goonies simply wouldn’t work unless children live in a culture where they are allowed to go outside unsupervised and roam around with nary an adult in sight. That culture is long gone, replaced by an anxiety-inducing obsession with safety and supervision. Children now stay locked indoors with glowing screens, shepherded by grownups at all times. They are no longer allowed to walk to a friend’s house alone or do some shopping at a corner store without the risk of their parents being reported to the police in some places. Modern-day Goonies wouldn’t venture into a cave — they’d be too afraid of losing cell phone signal.

Even the film’s setting has changed. Astoria, Oregon is still beautiful and atmospheric with its pastel houses clinging to misty cliffs, but it’s no longer a struggling working class community. Troy’s dad won. Astoria is now a wealthy enclave populated with the kind of people who put “In This House We Believe” signs on their perfectly manicured lawns and give their children names like “Ariadne” and “Holden.” Being at the bottom of the social ladder was what drove the original Goonies to seek riches in the first place so that they could help their parents avoid being priced out of their own neighborhood. Overpriced housing and financial insecurity is something that adults can still relate to these days, but modern-day middle-aged Goonies would be more likely to get involved in crypto rather than spelunking if they came up with an insane get-rich-quick scheme.

It’s not that Goonies 2 can’t work. It’s just that it won’t work unless Warner Brothers chooses the right characters and premise for the story. A lot of problems could be avoided by making the film a historical piece, set just a few years after the original. This would allow a setting in which there are no cell phones offering characters a lifeline, and children are allowed to be feral. However, this would preclude using the original cast for anything other than playing the parents or grandparents of recast Goonies. But if Goonies 2 is truly to be a sequel worth watching, it will only work if the film is focused on a new generation of kids who are obnoxious, immature, irrational — and endearingly familiar.

169 – Good, Bad and Ugly Romances

Happy Valentine’s Day! Children’s Literature isn’t usually about romance, but there are some great — and not so great — couples that have made an impression on me over the years. They can teach kids a lot about what a good relationship should (or shouldn’t) be! Find out which romances I think are Good, Bad, and Ugly. Also, you’ll hear that co-host Chloë is deepening her appreciation for Enid Blyton books, an author most Americans are unfamiliar with but clearly has a lot to offer middle grades readers!

What are YOUR favorite couples in children’s books? Which romantic moments made you laugh, cry, or cringe?

168 – Dog Man Movie Review

The Dog Man book series by Dav Pilkey is DUMB. It’s IMMATURE. And so is the new movie adaptation. And those are COMPLIMENTS!! Find out how accurately the comics were adapted to the screen, with input from the 11, 10, 8, and 4 year old experts who came with me to the theater.

Apologies for the background noise in this episode — emergency repairs are going on at my house and that’s just how things had to be. I wanted to get this review out in a timely manner to tell parents that this is well worth the expense of a trip to the theater.